+45 2267 6555

Join Destination AARhus


Collaboration and knowledge sharing is key. As a member of Destination AARhus, you support the purpose of our coalition and our initiatives. Further, your company is obligated to contribute to our network by participating in our network meetings and engaging in our initiatives and events. In collaboration, we make Greater Aarhus an attractive career destination for Danish and International IT talents. 

Our Focus Areas

Networks that create community and collaboration

Within our coalition, we have three different networks: Executive, HR, and a TechTeam, focusing on everything from leadership, business development, digital transformation, and talent attraction to event planning. These networks are the core of our association and are based on professional and personal relationships that contribute to knowledge-sharing across our companies.

Events that make an attractive IT environment

New knowledge, professional networks and exchange of experience are essential factors when developing an attractive environment for IT talents. We organize several events for the tech scene in Greater Aarhus. For the Exclusive Events, we invite international experts to give insight into the latest trends through talks and workshops. The Open Sessions are going into depth on a technical topic. Local professionals exchange knowledge and hands-on tools to apply in their everyday challenges. Further, we collaborate with local actors in attracting more tech events and conferences to Greater Aarhus.

IT Talent Attraction

We collaborate on creating, testing, and implementing initiatives focusing on attracting and retaining IT talents to Greater Aarhus. Our members can join and invest in talent programs, communication projects and tech events to the extent that makes sense for their talent attraction strategy.

Key Benefits

  • Access to network meetings for Executives, HR/Talent Attraction, and Tech Managers
  • Access to our Exclusive Events with inspirational talks and technical workshops facilitated by international experts
  • Opportunity to host Open Sessions for local and international IT talents
  • Increased visibility of your company and expertise through initiatives such as Open Sessions, TechBlog, Company Spotlights and employee stories
  • Opportunity to increase your talent pool with Danish and International IT students
  • Increased outreach and exposure of your vacancies

Become a full member 

With the annual subscription fee of 105.000 DKK, you become a full member for a year. The annual subscription fee is paid at the beginning of a calendar year. If you wish to subscribe as a member during the year, the membership subscription fee will be a proportionate fee for the remaining months of the year. A member can unsubscribe from Destination AARhus at any time. If you want to know more about us in an informal chat, get insights into our upcoming activity, or to become a member, then please contact us.


105.000 DKK / annually


Anne Louise Møller Lauritzen
Head of Secretariat
+45 22 67 65 55