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How SLOs Lead to Faster Innovation and Happier Users

How SLOs Lead to Faster Innovation and Happier Users

10. October · 08:30 - 10:00 By: Arra'Di Nur Rizal

October 10, from 8.30 - 10.00

Incuba, meeting room 5, Åbogade 15, 8200 Aarhus

Feeling bogged down by performance concerns? This session reveals how SLOs empower developers. We'll explore how SLOs provide a clear performance roadmap, enabling faster innovation cycles and more focused development efforts.  Discover how SLOs ultimately lead to happier users who can rely on consistently high-performing services.

Target Audience: Developer, Product Owners, Project Managers, Client Managers

Arra'Di Nur Rizal

About Arra'Di Nur Rizal

Arra’di Nur Rizal is a Lead IoT System Developer and Cloud Architect in Grundfos with background in Software and Electrical Engineering, Management, AI, and computational linguistics. In addition to his main role, he drives SLO adoptions in digital development at Grundfos. He has been working in multiple industry for the last 20 years.